Nana is a romantic drama anime that first aired in 2006 and quickly gained a devoted following. The series is based on the manga of the same name by Ai Yazawa and follows the lives of two young women named Nana who become roommates in Tokyo. Despite their different backgrounds and personalities, they form a deep bond and support each other through the ups and downs of life and love.
The anime centres around the two Nanas: Nana Komatsu, a sweet and innocent girl who moves to Tokyo to be closer to her boyfriend, and Nana Osaki, a punk rock singer who dreams of becoming a famous musician. As the two Nanas become friends and roommates, they navigate the challenges of life in the big city and the complexities of their own relationships.
The characters in Nana are what make the series so captivating. Nana Komatsu, also known as "Hachi," is a lovable and relatable protagonist who is trying to find her place in the world. Nana Osaki, on the other hand, is a strong-willed and independent woman who is determined to achieve her dreams. Along the way, the two women meet a cast of unique and memorable characters who add depth and complexity to the story.
Nana explores many different themes, including friendship, love, and the struggles of growing up. The series does not shy away from difficult topics such as heartbreak, loss, and even addiction, but always maintains a sense of hope and optimism. At its core, Nana is a story about the power of human connection and the importance of having someone to lean on in times of need.
Animation and Music
The animation style of Nana is distinctive and visually stunning, with a mix of realistic and fantastical elements that capture the spirit of the story. The music is also a highlight of the series, with a mix of original songs and covers that add to the emotional impact of the scenes.
Overall, Nana is a must-watch for fans of romance and drama anime. The story is heartwarming and emotional, the characters are memorable and relatable, and the themes are universal and timeless. If you haven't seen Nana yet, now is the perfect time to discover this beloved anime classic.