Lovely Complex is a romantic comedy anime series that aired from 2007 to 2008. It is based on a manga series of the same name by Aya Nakahara. The anime follows the story of two high school students, Risa Koizumi and Atsushi Otani, who are both taller than average and struggle to find love due to their height. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at Lovely Complex and explore what makes it a must-watch for fans of the romance and comedy genres.
Introduction to Lovely Complex
Lovely Complex takes a unique approach to the romantic comedy genre by focusing on two protagonists who are both taller than average. Risa Koizumi is a 172 cm tall girl who struggles to find a boyfriend because most guys are intimidated by her height. Atsushi Otani, on the other hand, is a 156 cm tall boy who also struggles to find a girlfriend because most girls find him too short. The series follows their journey as they navigate high school, friendships, and love.
One of the main draws of Lovely Complex is its well-developed and relatable characters. Risa and Otani are both flawed and realistic, which makes them easy to root for. Their banter and bickering are hilarious and endearing, and their chemistry is undeniable. The supporting characters, including Risa's best friend Nobu and Otani's friend Suzuki, add depth to the story and provide plenty of comedic relief.
Lovely Complex's storyline is a classic romantic comedy with plenty of twists and turns. The anime explores themes of self-acceptance, friendship, and first love. Risa and Otani's journey is not always smooth sailing, and they face many obstacles along the way. The series does an excellent job of balancing the comedic moments with the more emotional ones, creating a well-rounded and satisfying viewing experience.
Animation and Soundtrack
The animation style in Lovely Complex is bright, colourful, and full of energy. The character designs are unique and help to distinguish Lovely Complex from other romantic comedy anime. The soundtrack is also noteworthy, with catchy and upbeat theme songs that perfectly capture the show's tone.
Overall, Lovely Complex is a timeless classic in the romantic comedy genre. Its unique premise, relatable characters, and well-crafted storyline make it a must-watch for fans of the genre. The anime's balance of humour and heart makes it a satisfying viewing experience from start to finish. If you haven't seen Lovely Complex yet, it's definitely worth adding to your watchlist.