Kaichou wa Maid-sama! is a romantic comedy anime series that aired from April to September 2010. The series is based on manga of the same name written and illustrated by Hiro Fujiwara. The anime adaptation was produced by J.C.Staff and directed by Hiroaki Sakurai.
The story revolves around Misaki Ayuzawa, the first female student council president of Seika High School, which was once an all-boys school. Misaki is a strict disciplinarian who is feared by the male students and respected by the female students. However, Misaki has a secret: she works part-time as a maid at a café to support her family, who are struggling financially. One day, her secret is discovered by Takumi Usui, a popular and handsome boy at school. Instead of exposing her, Takumi decides to keep her secret and helps her out in various ways.
Misaki Ayuzawa is the main protagonist of the series. She is a hardworking and determined girl who takes her responsibilities as student council president very seriously. Despite her tough exterior, she has a kind heart and cares deeply for her friends and family.
Takumi Usui is the male protagonist and Misaki's love interest. He is popular among the girls in school but keeps to himself most of the time. He is kind, intelligent, and good at everything he does.
Other characters include Misaki's best friend, Sakura Hanazono, who has a crush on one of the male students; Shizuko Kaga, a member of the student council who is also Misaki's childhood friend; and Hinata Shintani, a student who has a crush on Misaki.
The main theme of Kaichou wa Maid-sama! is romance. The anime portrays the developing relationship between Misaki and Takumi in a lighthearted and enjoyable way. It also deals with themes such as friendship, self-discovery, and overcoming obstacles.
Animation and Soundtrack
The animation of Kaichou wa Maid-sama! is vibrant and colourful. The character designs are appealing, and the background art is well-detailed. The soundtrack of the anime is catchy and adds to the overall atmosphere of the series.
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! is a heartwarming romantic comedy anime that is enjoyable to watch. The characters are well-developed, and the story is engaging. The animation and soundtrack are also top-notch. If you're a fan of romance anime, this series is definitely worth checking out.